Industry standard 2D and 3D CAD software for Mac
What's new in this version:
The Vectorworks® Service Select maintenance program is designed to help you get the most out of your software at the best possible price.
Fixed issues:
- Marionette - Undo Mystery Object
- Fractional Display for Dimensions - aligned badly
- Crash in DWG_Library!ExGsMaterialDumpView::triangleOut
- Crash in GetAppropriateObjectOpacity
- Marionette: Rotate Line node does not maintain attributes of line being rotated
- When the Solar Animation is executed, VW will crash. (Sierra Only)
- After Save & Commit RW Background and Environment Lighting settings lost
- Unable to resize a dimension when the witness lines offset is set to zero
- Clicking on Dropbox storage doesn't prompt the user to integrate VCS with Dropbox
- Export Web View- The Scene Preview Seems Slow To Show Model in Web Browser
- Connect/Combine tool causes crash on Roof Faces
- Site Model Generation is Causing Some Strange Contours in 2018
- Attach Record window hides the Edit Values button when stretched
- Hidden duplicate of a hanging position in the attached file
- Window numbers showing through from other side of model in Hidden Line
- When you export to 3DS some of the texture settings are not exported
- Marionette: 'Unit Plan' node works as Wrapper, fails as Object node
- Photogrammetry- Not Enough data is imported in Point Cloud Compared to OBJ_Import
- Cable Tools Weight field in Metric dispite my trying otherwise
- Spotlight: Truss Connections are displaced and errant if geometry of Hanging Positions are changed
- Marionette: Points on Curve node has some errors
- BIMobject: Importing object from DWG appears to have mm/inch unit problem
- The menu / tool which should not be used in the product is displayed by Workspace Editor
- Arrowheads on Title Blocks
- Marionette: Get Object Variable has typo
- Vectorworks crashes if the 'Navigation Graphics' is set the 'Best Performance'
- Crash when copy/paste Braceworks rigging system from one file to another
- One-Time Crash When Opening 2017 File in SP3
- Vectorworks Crash when clicking Document Settings / Units
- The amount of symbols has a huge influence of the activation speed of spaces
- Crashing when working with roofs
- Site Model Create and Edit (Recreate from Source Data) changes after exiting Edit
- Spotlight Hoist: Minimum Chain Length is too big
- Threads stuck in Parasolid
- Crash updating worksheets
- Opening AutoCad file crashes Vectorworks
- Impending license expiration notifications for students should be turned back on
- New Title Block: doesn't embed sym at proper location upon resizing page
- Title Block Border: Edit Title Block dialog that is opened from the Edit menu gets the settings from the Double click pop-up
- Lightwright XML file not receiving latest changes when move or insertion initiated
- Project Sharing - Chain Dimension and Revision Cloud very slow
- Marionette: Repeat node should use itertools function
- Entering multiline Sheet Title from Title Block is getting only the first line applied as Sheet Description
- FATAL: Revit Import
- AHA: Undo of complex objects (e.g. door, window, space) is pretty slow (18 secs for a door)
- Hidden Line Regression?
- Crash When Using Connect Combine on Roof Faces
- Changing attributes of a class takes a lot of time
- Marionette; Convert to Poly Group Node Issue
- Viewports and / or sheet layers trigger unwanted regenerations when PIO style is edited
- IFC: Export direction of German Windows and Door are wrong in IFC
- IFC-Export umlauts not exporting correctly
- layers referenced with method 'layer import' imports in wrong order
- Hyperlink Settings dialog doesn't save settings after you click OK button
- working file object z heights are not transferring properly to Project file
- Site model recreated differently in 2017 vs 2018
- When setting 'Use layer colors',the colors are not displayed correctly
- Script source code with Japanese characters will be corrupt in Script editor
- Folder name in Migration Manager dialog not localizable
- 3DS Export - Textures With Noise/Tiles/Bricks/Pavement Color Shaders Get Exported as Blue
- Activating Door tool in 2018 almost 2.5 times slower than 2017
- Vectorscript Get/SetObjectWallOffset() Functions Fails for Round Walls
- IFC: Classification information deleted after IFC export
- IFC: Classification is not exported to IFC if the name is not OmniClass
- Braceworks: 'Calculate Selection' includes unrelated system on invisible layer
- Saved set with Custom Units doesn't load properly in other documents
- Catalogue Filters Broken
- Crash in Vectorworks_Remote
- Crash in PKErrorHandler
- Animation Editing is too difficult for customer
- Offset Elevation Benchmark in Localized versions cannot be changed
- Export to Webview: Failure after 2nd attempt for shareable link
- Creating Referenced Design Layer Viewport causes crash
- Plant Database - Plant Images Deleted During Plant Creation
- Truss Elevation Changes When Height is Changed
- Import Tree Survey File: Cannot Map Required fields for UK imports
- Crash while attaching a record to Braceworks object while inside a hanging position
- Vectorworks Prefs: user data option is reset to default with reset prefs
- ProjectSharing endless backup-files on macOS when umlaut in filenames
- Copying Truss Crosses to a new file crashes VW
- Classes are not visible
- Project Sharing: Vectorworks incorrectly shows a warning about loss of uncommitted changes
- Selecting objects is much slower in Vectorworks 2018 than in 2016
- Import Revit File with Create Native Objects checked Crashes Vectorworks 2018
- Custom Fields for Title Block Links do not Work Consistently
- Projekt Sharing: Vectorworks show warning dialog when choose the path of the project file
- Roof Plan to 3D View Crashes
- The script for showing other objects in editing modes doesn't work in 3D views
- User Origin Shifts When Editing Rotated Nested Symbol Inside Page-Based Symbol
- User Origin Shifts When Editing Rotated Symbol Instances With Multi-View Enabled and a Sheet Layer Visible
- Navigation palette flickers a long time when you duplicate designsheet layers(Win only)
- User Origin Shifts when creating a section line viewport on a design layer viewport with multiview enabled and rotated plan
- User Origin Shifts When Editing Rotated Page-Based Symbol With Multi-View Enabled and Rotated Plan Active
- User Origin Shifts When Editing Rotated Page-Based Symbol Instances With Multi-View Enabled and a Sheet Layer Visible
- User Origin Shifts When Placing Objects in Rotated Plan With Multi-View Active
- Section Viewport incorrect after changing section style class in Organization dialog
- Wrong message on Revit Import
- Revit Import issues. Unable to import 2016 Revit file
- MAC: No Check Out Dialog if moving objects
- Three Project Sharing Problems: No 'CheckOut' question, No changes to commit and Not in Sync
- Switching a Database Row to a Spreadsheet Causes Hang on Mac
- All classes and stories disappearing
- Project Sharing - Objects Can't Be Drawn Immediately After Checkout/Release Command
- Problems Downloading Some Libraries in the Spanish Version of 2018
- ProjectSharing: Can move object without check them out and async with project file
- Crash when importing a tree survey file
- Elevation Benchmark Text Width
- Canceling the Create Helix-Spiral Command causes the OIP and Undo to Break
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