The Mozilla source code can be obtained either by downloading a source archive or by using a Mercurial (source control) client. If you are just starting out or you want to build a particular Mozilla product release, downloading a source archive is recommended. Otherwise, get the Mozilla Source Code using Mercurial (for Firefox) or Getting Comm-central Source Code (for Thunderbird, SeaMonkey.
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About MOSS
MOSS is an awards program of Mozilla Corporation, which is ultimately responsible for selecting and funding final award recipients. MOSS is administered in part by the Mozilla Foundation, the nonprofit owner of the Mozilla Corporation.
Frequently Asked Questions
MOSS applications are accepted on a rolling basis and are reviewed monthly. Depending on when your application is received in our review cycle, it may take up to two months to receive committee feedback.
While there is no set range, historically, the MOSS Committee has mostly chosen to award between $5,000 and $150,000 USD per project. Awards of $150,000 and greater have historically been approved mostly for return awardees who have already successfully completed a smaller MOSS project. In general, the larger the award, the more scrutiny the application will receive and the more questions the committee will have regarding how the money will be used. All projects should include a statement of work that helps the committee understand how the amount of funding requested was determined and how that funding maps to specific tasks.
Historically, the MOSS Committee has chosen to fund projects which are important in their ecosystems and can demonstrate some success and momentum with regard to acquiring users and building an active community of contributors. Unfortunately, the MOSS Committee does not consider applications from brand new projects, projects which are not open source, projects which have yet to be built or projects which have yet to build a community of users and contributors. If you are unsure if your project qualifies for MOSS funding, please email the MOSS team.
The MOSS Committee is happy to consider any open source project, including but not limited to software, hardware, firmware, design, and networking projects. All projects must generally involve some amount of technical development. MOSS does not sponsor conferences and events.
The award amount you request should be determined by the scope of work that you wish to complete using your MOSS award. Your application should contain a rough scope of work, including an expected number of hours and hourly rates to complete each task.
The MOSS committee will only consider projects which are released publicly under a license that is either a free software license according to the FSF or an open source license according to the OSI. Projects which are not licensed for use under an open source license are not eligible for MOSS funding.
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The MOSS committee prefers to fund direct project costs, but we recognize that recovery of indirect costs may be a necessity.
- Organizations may charge up to 10% of direct costs.
- Ten percent is a maximum. If an applicant’s actual indirect cost rate is lower, the actual rate should be proposed in the budget.
- Mozilla may request substantiation of any applicant’s indirect cost rate.
- Individual applicants should not include indirect costs in their budget.
Direct costs are expenses directly attributable to the scope of work described in your request. Generally, direct costs would not be incurred if the proposed scope of work did not exist. Direct costs may include staff salaries, contractors/consultants, and materials required to execute the scope of work.
Indirect costs are those costs not readily identified with a specific project/activity but incurred for the joint benefit of multiple projects/activities. Indirect costs are usually grouped into common pools and charged to benefiting objectives through an allocation process/indirect cost rate. Indirect costs include expenses frequently referred to as overhead (rent, utilities, general and administrative expenses, etc.
MOSS committee decisions are final. We cannot increase award amounts after a decision has been made. Should you need to revise your scope of work, please contact the MOSS program officer immediately.
Generally anyone who maintains an open source project can apply to MOSS, including individuals, NGOs, and for-profit companies. Individuals and entities on the SDN list, other sanctions lists, or who Mozilla is otherwise legally prohibited from engaging are not eligible to receive funding from MOSS. Individuals with a documented violation of Mozilla’s Community Participation Guidelines may not be eligible to receive funding from MOSS.
For Track I (Foundational Technologies) projects, your application should include an endorsement from a Mozilla Champion who can describe how your project is used by Mozilla and why it is an important dependency for our work.
Recipients are responsible for determining the tax implications of receiving an award, based on their respective countries’ tax laws and compliance requirements. Amounts applied for should be sized such that any tax or other liability that will be incurred is accounted for. Mozilla reserves the right to use different payment mechanisms or tax characterizations for different awards in the MOSS program based on a number of factors specific to each award.
A Schedule of Work sample can be found here.
We would love to talk to you about your project idea or answer any questions you may have about MOSS. To reach the MOSS project team, please contact us at